After competing the Ho Ho Ho Read-a-Thon (hosted by Kimba @
Caffeinated Book Reviewer and Jennifer @
The Book Shelfery), I hadn't managed to read all of what I wanted. I did fairly well, considering just how bad I've been this year about making time to read, but, honestly, two books just isn't good enough for--after all, I know I can do so much more.
So I was interested in finding another Read-a-Thon to motivate myself... and lo and below, I found the Christmas Spirit Read Challenge and its corresponding Read-a-Thon.

Hosted by Michelle at
The Christmas Spirit, the Christmas Spirit Reading Challenge will be taking place from November 24, 2014 to January 6, 2015. The challenge has three levels: "Candy Cane", aka Level One with a goal of one book; "Mistletoe", aka Level Two with a goal of two to four books; and "Christmas Tree", aka Level Three with a goal of five or more books. (There's also a bonus level for Christmas movies and another for reading with your kids.)
I'd quite like to hit "Christmas Tree", but I'll be satisfied to get anything done, I suppose. Like I've said... I've had a lazy year as a reader.
If this sounds like something you're interested in, you can check out the official challenge sign-up page

But that's not all--over at Michelle's other blog,
Seasons of Reading, she's hosting a Read-a-Thon to go along with the challenge. The Christmas Spirit Read-a-Thon (aka #CSreadathon) will be taking place from November 24, 2014 (which is also the first day of the reading challenge) to November 30, 2014.
If you want to join in, you can check it out
here. I actually wish it was being held a little later in the year, as I'm going to spend the rest of November scrambling to catch up with my abysmal NaNoWriMo wordcount, but I hope I'll be able to squeeze at least one book in before the month ends.
If not, here's to a productive December!
What I'm Hoping to Read

What I Actually Accomplished
As I expected, I didn't get any reading done during the read-a-thon. (Boo!) But I got a few books read during the challenge period, those being the following:

I also read the Spirits of Christmas anthology (pictured above) during this period, but I didn't manage to finish it. The rest of these books are still going to be on my to-do list for a little while, though. At the very least, I'll definitely finish Spirits of Christmas and The Haunting of Stratton Falls in the next few weeks. The others, I might save until next year!
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