Friday Finds, a book blog meme from Should Be Reading, showcases the books you ‘found’ and added to your To Be Read list this week… whether you found them online, or in a bookstore, or in the library — wherever!

I haven't done a Friday Finds in quite a while, but I stumbled across something this week that made me want to revisit it! I'm sure most people familiar with children's media from the earlier 2000s recalls the Spy Kids franchise.

Spy Kids
But I never realized that the movies had tie-in novels, and I was quite surprised earlier this week when I stumbled upon them! As it turns out, there are a total of ten tie-in novels for the original Spy Kids trilogy; I imagine they'll probably be difficult to find nowadays, but I definitely want to try to track them down at some point.
Check 'em out at Goodreads!