Follow a fairy to the end of the rainbow!
Sky the Blue Fairy is having some bubble trouble. Will Rachel and Kirsty be able to help her out with a clue from the rainbow-colored crab?
Frankly, I think Sky the Blue Fairy is a bit of a dip in quality form the previous books--hence the half-star I've knocked of the rating. We're not quite yet back to Ruby the Red Fairy levels of nothing happening, but there wasn't much to Sky the Blue Fairy compared to the two previous installments. Most notably, the villains finally manage to corner a fairy... and they do absolutely nothing. They spend their opportunity playing on the pond in which the fairy's been frozen, while her human protector lazily tries to swat them away; it's ludicrously underwhelming. Afterwards, it seems their presence alone was enough to endanger Sky's well-being... but talking about your restrained conflict. Can we see the villains do something vile soon, please? And for that matter, are we going to get to see the actual villain before the heptalogy is through? Or will it just be his henchbuffoons wasting time?
Eh. I shouldn't really be disappointed by how short, fast, and uneventful a book is when it's only about sixty pages long, but... Saffron/Sunny and Fern did a much better job filling in that space. Hopefully Inky the Indigo Fairy will get back on track.