Barbie Loves Pets is yet another picture book for Barbie fans; like Secret Hearts (which I reviewed yesterday), the version I read was part of the Barbie Loves Her Friends picture book and was likely very slightly abridged.
Again, it's a very simple story. Barbie and her friend Teresa are opening a pet store, and the book's few pages are devoted to showing what the girls need to do in order to get ready for the big day. Everything is as pink, frilly, and perfect as you'd expect a Barbie book to be, and it's all over in a few short pages without much to interest anyone over the age of five.
Like the other books within Barbie Loves Her Friends, it's so simplistic that it should be able to entertain a toddler or child who is just learning to read or otherwise utterly obsessed with Barbie... but I can't say I actually recommend it; there's practically nothing to it.