If you're familiar with the first season of the Arthur television show, you probably recall the episode in which Arthur Read is roped into babysitting for the dreaded Tibble Twins. He thinks it won't be a difficult job... until he starts hearing horror stories about the two kindergarten boys from his sister and friends. When he actually sits for the kids, they run through your typical shenanigans--including a bit reminiscent of the "let's play 'Cowboys and Indians'" scene from I Love Lucy's The Amateur Hour--before Arthur ultimately manages to wrangle the kids.
It's a cute story, and if any Arthur fans spot it on a shelf somewhere, I would totally recommend sinking a minute or two into leafing through it for nostalgia's sake. As for the intended audience, they'll probably enjoy it... but if they're already familiar with the television adaptation, it might not be the most interesting read. (Alternately, it might be a great way to help build reading skills. Totally depends on the kid.)