BookBlogWriMo is, as the name implies, a book blogging event inspired by National Novel Writing Month, alternately known as NaNoWriMo. I'm participating in that event this month, as I have every November since 2010, and I have to say that I'm quite the sucker for events like this. I also do Camp NaNoWriMo twice a year (though I aim for 30,000 word goal instead of 50,000), and I've experimented with events that challenge participants to write a poem every day in a given month, write a certain number of words digitally in a given month, write a million words in a year, etcetera. So BookBlogWriMo sounded right up my alley from the title alone.
BookBlogWriMo is a challenge to post something about a particular prompt for every day of the month of November. To the left of this paragraph, you can see the #BookBlogWriMo schedule, created by the event's host, Brittany of Book Bumblings.
Unfortunately, I didn't discover this challenge until the day after it began, so I can't technically win it. I'm still going to participate, though, and I certainly hope nobody bites my head off for backdating yesterday's prompted post! Even if I can't "win" it, it still seems like a great way to encourage myself to post here and have some fun with the blog this month.
If you're interested in finding out more about the event, check it out here at Book Bumblings.
My BookBlogWriMo posts can be found here, with new links added as the posts go live!
- A History of Amara's Eden
- How I Read
- Where I Read
- Why I Blog
- Where I Blog
- #TBT - Favorite Childhood Books
- #FlashbackFriday - My Blog's First Design
- My Blogging Toolkit
- My Blogging Workflow
- Memes I Meme
- #Top10Tuesday - My Most Popular Posts
- My Advice for Newbie Bloggers
- My Review Process
- My Ratings System
- My Favorite Book Blogging Things
- My Least Favorite Book Blogging Things
- My Favorite Book Tropes
- My Favorite Subgenres
- #WaitingOnWednesday - TBR Books
- #TBT - Best Books I Read In 2014
- #FlashbackFriday - My First Reviews
- #ShowMeYourShelves
- My Book Boyfriend Criteria
- Reading Cave Fantasies
- How I Deal with Book Hangovers
- Cheating on Books: TV & Movies (and Games!)
- Authors You're Thankful For
- Book Pet Peeves
- The Future of Amara's Eden
- #BookBlogWriMo Wrap Up
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