[Fanfiction] To Dwell on Dreams: A Harry Potter Fanfic

Delphini Lestrange never dreamed that she'd be anything but a model Slytherin. Then came Harry Potter.

One deeply misguided bet later, and she finds herself friends with not her cousin Draco and the other Slytherins but Harry Potter himself, the youngest of the Weasley boys, and a Muggleborn girl, to boot.

But something even bigger than unexpected inter-House friendships is going on at Hogwarts this year. There's an off-limits corridor that's never been off-limits before, a monstrous dog guarding a mysterious trap door, and a teacher or two (or three) behaving very suspiciously indeed.

And as this mystery unravels for Delphi, Harry, and their friends, they're poised to discover that at Hogwarts, almost nothing is as it seems.

Everyone has secrets just waiting to be revealed.

To Dwell on Dreams is a Harry Potter fanfiction that has been in progress since last fall and should be wrapping up sometime this summer. It will be followed by six sequels (the first of which will be titled Enemies of the Heir) with a number of potential spin-offs in the works.

You can read To Dwell on Dreams, along with the rest of my fanfiction output, here at Archive of Our Own.

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